Holster Brands celebrates Madame CJ Walker!

With all of the amazing hot styling tools on the market right now we sometimes forget that there was a time when there were none. We owe a great deal of gratitude to Madame CJ Walker for changing that. Though she is often credited with inventing the Hot Pressing Comb, in actuality that accolade belongs to a French man who came up with the idea in the 1870s. Her redesign of that pressing comb, however, resulted in a product women would actually use, and skyrocketing sales for Madame Walker’s business. Her full line of hair care products combined with her new hot comb were a game changer for women all over the country. Madame Walker quickly rose to fame as the first African-American woman to be a self made millionaire (look out Oprah), and paved the way for the arsenal of hot tools we have at our disposal today!

Not only did Madame Walker pave the way for the evolution of hot styling tools, but she also paved the way for female inventors all over the world. Without her, the Hot Iron Holster (our first baby) probably wouldn’t exist. So for all of us here at Holster Brands, we salute this amazing woman, and we’re grateful for all of the talented women in business today who keep her legacy alive! You go girls!

Happy Hot Styling!


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