Holster Brands Three Year Anniversary!

Three years ago today we began selling our first product, the Hot Iron Holster. Making sure that first order arrived on time may have involved renting an RV to pick up our product at the Long Beach port and drive it to our customer that was 10 hrs away. We quickly learned a 10 hour drive for a car meant a 17 hour drive for an RV. While my husband drove, I packaged product on the bed area in the back. Oh, and we might have brought our three young kids along for the "adventure". At one point our A/C broke, I performed the Heimlich on a stranger and we discovered a gas leak in the RV. As fun as that was, we have swapped out the RV for a real warehouse and now leave shipping to the professionals. We have come a long way in the last three years and we want to thank our customers for all their love and support!

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